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Unlocking success through proper communications in social media

Social media have matured to the extent that not only offer us a mere communication tool, but also they unlock the possibility of outlining, in important detail, our target group. We should never forget that at corporate level, the management of social media is an organic and integral part of corporate communications and therefore should be compatible in style and content with the corporate identity and the Brand positioning in the market. The three main guiding axes of the added value of a PR agency are identified as follows:

  • Continuous communication with the client at the level of strategic configuration and continuous feedback on the course of actions.
  • Monitoring, in terms of engagement and reactions of our desired audience and the collection of valuable data that will guide our next steps.
  • Continuous communication and cooperation between the account executives and the production team, for quick and efficient execution of the actions.

The Secrets of SMART Approach
It is generally accepted that a successful PR strategy should have SMART objectives. The SMART defining criteria are:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Timely

The preparation of a successful strategy in social media goes through the collection of multiple types of data that must be evaluated and exploited appropriately:

  • Data about the demographic composition of our audience such as age, gender and marital status, provide us with insights regarding future actions’ content and also where to allocate our budget in order to promote concrete actions, for optimal results.
  • Geographic data offer us the opportunity to link actions in social media with events and happenings at various locations.
  • Behavioral data, regarding either new products, or market promotion actions, help both the PR agency and the customer, to assess the public stance and adjust the approach accordingly.

Determining with precision the target group for each set of our actions within our overall strategy in social media, is greatly facilitated if the customer has identified a specific audience and the desired effect of the actions. This outline allows the choice of platform, approach tools and promotion actions.
From theory to practice
In BrilliantPR we have accumulated many years of experience on the different approaches, depending on our target audience and the requested type of communication.
Interesting cases are involving a Rebranding campaign. Frequently there is a need to broaden the target group, to open new channels of communication, to closely contact individuals and groups, to provide assistance and information, primary technical support for issues that can be resolved directly by the social media team, product and services counseling, encouragement and motivation for participation, i.e. things that increase the Commitment and give the certainty that there is someone who can directly answer a question or a problem. Someone who responds and behaves amicably, in the first person, with respect and immediacy.
The data derived from the audience that respond to our posts in social media, give us a clear picture about our future movements and the networks in which we should extend our reach:
The bilateral communication with the public gives rise to influencers, people with talent, producers of authentic content, community leaders who can work with us to convey our message to the public, and activate their followers. This point is crucial because the perception of the role of the influence is very relevant nowadays. The aim is to create actions that stand out within the community starting from digital media and leading to actions that involve people in real life.
NOT to DOs!
The impressive development of social media, generates the need to adapt the content and style that we use, according to the medium and the target audience, always in consistency with the corporate identity. It’s not seldom that some actions in social media fail, because of misallocated resources and due to spamming with ineffective content without properly targeting a platform, causing fatigue, confusion, or even irritation to our audience that may begin to feel that they receive information that does not concern them.
The previous example is a common error in managing social media. When, after months of work and expenditures, we are back to the point where we initially started, without any meaningful results, this means that one or more mistakes were made. The most common are:

  • We have left the social media In the hands of junior execs, considering just their talent and their energy, without the guidance and support of a team or more experienced executives.
  • We keep knocking at the CEOs door for small daily issues that pop-up, thus creating a sluggish and bureaucratic system that does not correspond to the demands of our audience or our client for that matter.
  • We focus way too much on social media to the detriment of other actions necessary for the emergence of brand, in the context of an Omnichannel Strategy.
  • After the first successful actions, we “bombard” the public with mounts of irrelevant posts, to gain short-term benefits. But a steady growth and the creation of loyal brand followers in the long term, is a process that requires strategy, consistency and dedication.

The right communication strategy in social media, with the correct identification and utilization of data that will take us on the path to success, is a form of Art. The proliferation of “friends”, “likes” and “followers” is just the beginning – the purpose is that the people are genuinely energized and turned into Steady Followers, convinced of the quality and value offered by our client. On the threshold of the 3rd decade of the 21st century, new social media platforms emerge, while others subside: we are no longer in the age of Myspace, not even Facebook: in a little while, even millennials will give the reins to the “digital natives” of the Generation Z, who already make their presence very loud and clear!
At BrilliantPR for years now we’ve been adjusting our approach to the constant changes in the landscape of social media, we perform continuous successful strategic communication actions, dramatically increasing the footprint of our customers, helping them transform their brands, reach new clients, promote themselves effectively and increase their profitability. We will be happy to discuss your challenges as well!

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